Hi Dolls!

Thank you so much for supporting Body by Yashi. It means so much to me that you want to stay updated with our surgery blog. I wanted to share with you some information about myself and our brand so that you could get to know us better.   

My name is Yashi and I’m a Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner. After having my son, I worked out faithfully and maintained a healthy diet. However, it seemed that the effects of pregnancy were everlasting. I spent years battling between feeling guilty about wanting surgery & being concerned about what others thought. I finally gained the courage to just go for it. After little to no research, I found a plastic surgeon & scheduled my date for liposuction. It wasn’t until after my procedure, that I realized the importance of doing your research.

I knew nothing about lymphatic massages, compression garments or all the supplies I would need along my journey.

Throughout my recovery, you can pretty much say I learned what NOT to do. My lack of knowledge eventually lead to the development of fibrosis & a lumpy, uneven stomach. Thousands of dollars were gone and my results were ruined. I discovered that having surgery was the easiest part! The recovery process is where you will need the most support, time and patience.

 What you do or don’t do within that time will easily make or break your results. In the next few months, I spent countless hours researching all the things that I wish I had known prior and was committed to helping others avoid the same mistakes. My second procedure was a Tummy Tuck/Brazilian Butt Lift  & it was a success! My experience and wealth of knowledge gave me the insight needed to achieve and maintain maximum results. 

My mission is to educate & provide quality services while ensuring a healthy experience.