How To Treat a Lipo/Faja Burn?

The first step to treating a lipo/faja burn is early identification. Normal bruising typically fades over the course of days. However, a burn will appear much darker & does not fade. If you notice signs of a burn do not panic. Speak with your doctor immediately & seek proper treatment. While treating a burn you should not wear a compression garment, abdominal board or foams. No direct pressure should be applied to the site as this could cause more damage. This includes massages.

Your doctor may prescribe a burn cream for you known as Silvadene, apply three times a day and cover with a dry sterile dressing. Once the wound opens, only cleanse with normal saline. Do not use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, this can damage healthy tissue.

If needed, follow up with Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. This involves exposing the body to 100% oxygen at a pressure that is greater than what you normally experience. Wounds need oxygen to heal properly, and exposing a wound to 100% oxygen can speed the healing process. Look into other treatment modalities, research has shown that Manuka honey has many antimicrobial properties & promotes wound healing.

The progression of a burn will get worse before it gets better. It will be frustrating but with patience & the proper treatment it will heal overtime

Surgery Sisters & Their Significance

Truth is, some of the strongest bonds are made within the surgery community. Although you probably haven’t met in real life, you’ll find that surgery sisters are more supportive, caring & uplifting than some of your closest friends. 

Surgery is an emotional journey. Often times, you’ll question if you made the right decision & may struggle with the recovery process. Your surgery sister will be there to carry you through this tough time. She’ll always be a click away to offer advice & let you know that you aren’t alone. 

Copy and send this message to your Surgery Sister today.

“You’re important to me & I’m so blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for brightening up my day and inspiring me to be the best version of myself. No matter how bad my day gets, I feel great by just talking with you. Love you today. Love you tomorrow. Love you forever and ever.” 

How To Preserve Fat After a BBL

After a BBL you have a chance of losing 30-40% of fat. Newly transferred fat cells don’t have their own blood supply. Initially the fat cells get their nutrition from the surrounding body fluid and then begin to develop their own blood vessels after. Our BBL Booster IV and BBL-PRP treatments promote red blood cell production & contain natural growth factors that increases your fats survival rate.

The first 3 months after a fat transfer are crucial. Unfortunately, some fat will naturally be reabsorbed causing loss of volume in your butt. To maintain your results you must feed the fat & protect your assets!

1. Eat foods rich in protein, complex carbs & essential fats (examples of good fats are avocado, fish, yogurt) This is NOT the time to diet. After surgery, you actually need to consume more calories because your body requires energy to heal.

2. Protect your bum! Avoid putting unnecessary pressure on your butt. Use a boppy pillow or bbl pillow. Visit our store to purchase our Derrière Pillow.

3. Wear the right garment: If your garment is too tight it can compromise your newly transferred fat cells. Avoid tight restrictive clothing like jeans for the first 3 months

4. Creative sleeping: Be prepared to sleep on your stomach for 2-3 months. Sleeping on your back or sides puts unnecessary pressure on your butt & can decrease your fats survival rate. If you also had a tummy tuck you will need to sleep in a reclined position.

5. Limit cardio: Once your doctor gives you clearance on when to start working out avoid intense cardio in the beginning. This will be the first area on your body that you lose fat.

6. Avoid smoking: After a bbl your fat needs a good blood supply to survive. Smoking causes the blood vessels to constrict which means lower oxygen in the blood which in turn causes fat to die

How Soon After Surgery Can I Start Waist Training?

My answer to this is 6 months. This gives your body enough time to heal. However, many find that their able to start earlier (approximately 3 months). No two persons will ever have the same journey. Remember, too much compression too soon is a big NO. This can potentially cause improper healing, burns and skin necrosis. Compression is key, however, waist trainers do not provide “EVEN” compression the same way a faja would. I’m not against waist training, however, to avoid complications, it’s best to wait until the majority of your swelling has subsided. Always remember to take it one step at a time & listen to your body.

Are Compression Stockings Really That Important?

A DVT is a blood clot that develops in a deep vein, usually in the leg causing swelling and pain. If the blood clot breaks free, it can travel to the lungs causing the possibility of a pulmonary embolism (PE), a potentially fatal complication. 

To prevent a DVT, be sure to wear your compression socks which are typically worn for 10-14 days after surgery. Compression socks help to keep blood flowing toward the heart, so that it is less likely to pool in the legs and cause a clot to develop. In addition, some surgeons prescribe a blood thinner known as Lovenox (low molecular weight heparin).

Take medications as prescribed & follow all specific instructions from your doctor.-After surgery you have the highest chance of developing a DVT. The first couple of days are the most difficult. However, walking is one of the most important activities you can do. Try to increase your activity daily and perform foot exercises while in bed. This improves circulation so that blood flow doesn’t slow down enough to form a clot.

Symptoms of a DVT include pain in the leg, swelling, tenderness or warmth. Any concerns should be evaluated by a health care provider immediately. If you’re flying after surgery, please be sure to wear your compression socks on the plane.